Mike Lovatt // M & B Marketing

16 years doing SEO.

We transform your site's organic traffic

We increase your Google organic search traffic in six months.

Paying for SEO and watching your traffic from Google stagnate or decline isn't fun

Some agencies might have taken your money and not delivered more traffic. We don't.Book a free consultation to chat about your website and the challenges you've faced up until now with search engine optimisation.

We Handle Everything

Our semantic SEO process is done in a way that leaves you to focus on growing your business.

Dozens of years of SEO Success

I've been obsessed with SEO since I was 16. What started as a hobby has become an profitable and passionate business.

100% Positive Feedback

I've worked with countless websites in a variety of niches. Our strategies have always achieved the desired outcome.

We focus on client sales

Traffic and Google rankings can often just be vanity metrics. Our strategies focus on growing your revenue.

Case Study #1 // Happy Ecommerce Client

Our unique semantic SEO strategy meant this client got HUGE ranking improvements leading to...Thousands of monthly clicks

Here's the Google Search Console of a client's ecommerce site. They're now doing close to 1200 hits a day from Google to their store.More traffic means more sales from your store. With zero ad spend.Who doesn't want more free traffic?

Case Study #2 // Massive Affiliate Site Transformation

Our strategy has helped this affiliate site recover from algorithm update destruction

Our semantic SEO approach doesn't involve outdated tactics.In this case study, this site had been BATTERED by Google algortihm updates.We transformed the site and it's content and completely turned it around.In the $$$ lucrative betting niche this site is now on its way to a seven figure valuation.

Why Work With Me?

  • I've been obsessed with SEO since 2006. It's not something I learned just yesterday.

  • I'm one of the few doing modern day semantic SEO and NOT outdated tactics. The industry moves quick. I do too.

  • I actually care about growing your business.

  • I wouldn't take your money and waste your time if I couldn't actually help you.

What Do You Get When You Join My Agency?

  • Actual work done on your website/strategy. It's amazing how many agencies will take your money and snooze with it. We get started straight away - time is of the essence.

  • Cutting edge semantic SEO strategy implemented. Not just a spreadsheet "audit" of errors you need to fix followed by a few blog posts each month.

  • We keep you updated on what we've been doing for you and WHY.

  • We check-in with you as we want to hear about your business, its growth, and industry insight to help us tailor our strategy.

See what others in the SEO industry think of my knowledge

I wouldn't try and sell you my SEO services if I didn't know what I was doing.So book a call with me and let me help you.

Thank you

I'd love to chat with you over video call and see if your site and goals would be a good match for our agency.We've elevated organic traffic for countless sites over the last decade.Your site could be next.Book a call with the link below if you're sick of struggling with SEO and want to grow your brand.

EURL M & B Marketing.34 avenue des Champs Elysées, 75008, Paris.Numéro SIRET: 83772930000025